How do I create a learner account?
Once your organization has set up an account, you can use your organizational email address to create meldR user credentials by providing your first and last name, email address, department, and title.
How do I register for courses?
When you log into your meldR account, your learner dashboard will display your course registration status in the top portion of the screen. Any courses your organization has made available to you will appear at the bottom part of the screen.
How do I pay for a course?
When you want to reserve a seat for a course, click on "Register & Pay". This will take you to a secure Stripe page where you can purchase the course. You will receive an email confirmation and see the course appear in your profile page.
What is the Invoice button?
If you need an invoice, click on the Invoice button (next to the Register & Pay button) to generate one. This invoice can be used to view pricing, submit to your manager, or submit for the Deferred Billing FlexEd Program if your organization participates in it. Clicking the Invoice button does not constitute payment. Your seat is not reserved until the invoice is paid.
What is your cancellation / refund policy?
If you need to cancel your registration, you can receive a full refund as long as it is more than 24 hours before the course begins. If you have an emergency and cannot attend the course, we will assess each situation on a case-by-case basis. For either of these circumstances, please email support@meldr.ai.
How do I find information about my course registration status?

Your dashboard view will display your current course registration status in the top portion of the screen.
Click on the icons in the lower right corner of the box with your registered course information to view the Course Catalog and where the course is on your learning pathway.

Where can I find additional information about the courses I’m registered for?
Click on the blue “VIEW COURSE CONTENT” field for course scheduling and description. If you are registered for a programming course, you will also have the option to select “CONNECT TO WORKSPACE” to view resources, including slide decks for presentations, orientation documentation, and the video conference link.
Where can I find information about other courses available to me?
Any courses that are available to you will appear in the bottom portion of your main learner dashboard screen.

The available course boxes include course details, including dates and how many days you have left to register. Click on the blue “Register & Pay” field to enroll.
How can I learn more about other meldR courses?
You can explore the course catalog by clicking on the Course Catalog option in the left navigation menu on your dashboard or by clicking on the Course Catalog icon at the bottom of any course description box. You will also have the option to download the Course Catalog as a PDF.
How can I learn more about learning pathways?
You can explore the various learning pathways meldR offers by clicking on the Pathways option in the left navigation menu on your dashboard or by clicking on the Pathways icon at the bottom of any course description box. If you have no available courses, you can explore pathways by clicking on the blue “VIEW PATHWAYS” field that will appear in the bottom section of your dashboard screen.

The pathway map is zoomable and scrollable. In the pathways view, you can click on any pathway node to view details about courses in that pathway.
How can I request courses that aren’t already available to me?
If you’re interested in taking a course that isn’t already available, you can submit a request for it by clicking on the blue “REQUEST” field at the bottom of the course details box.
How do I manage my learner profile?
Your learner profile will display your profile picture, name, title, and current courses and will automatically update to show your skills and qualifications as you complete courses. You can add information and edit your profile by clicking on the profile button next to your user name and image in the top right corner of the screen.